During Q2 2022, in view of the geopolitical situation that unfolded after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I decided that it wouldn't do any harm to kill some bugs in some of the main players within the ICS arena. I focused in those software frameworks that are running on the engineering workstations so, if compromised, attackers would be in a privileged position to manipulate controllers logic, thus enabling sophisticated attacks with a potential physical impact (i.e triton). I responsibly reported a bunch a unauthenticated remotely exploitable bugs to the corresponding vendors. In one case, after being ignored for months, I had to resort to the 'twitter, do your magic' approach and tweeted that I would be disclosing the issues if the situation persisted. It took just few hours for the vendor to get back to me. The positive side is that they found the bugs interesting and all that mess ended up in paid work. This blog post covers a similar scenario in a different ven...